April 2, 2020 Life Purpose & Self-Worth

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

How is my trepidation to move forward with my life purpose impacted by my sense of self-worth and my need for external validation to know what I offer has value? 

~ Channelled through Valanne Ridgeway · April 2, 2020 

Greetings, the question that you have asked of us today is one that is pertinent for many who have chosen to incarnate, for in that process of incarnation there is a profound forgetting of who you are while in physical form. As you tap into those places that have made you feel unworthy, that have made you question the value of what you have to offer, we call you back to your soul connection, to that place where you remember that you are more than this physical form. 

The struggle often comes from your existence within the three-dimensional world, for in that context there is always some form of feedback or validation on a physical level. If you bump into something you are given physical feedback. If you are interacting with someone you are offered feedback through communication, be it physical or non-physical.  

This is all of great importance for the experiences you have chosen to live out in each lifetime.  The choice to incarnate is to have that form of concrete and direct validation from the physical world in all that you create, for it is about creating. But that [form] is still to be connected to the higher self, to the soul-self that functions and is alive beyond the physical form.  

This is not at this time in your existence the over-riding view of what reality is. For in all the advancements that have occurred within the creative process on your planet at this time, the focus has been on material gains and progress.  

To uphold the primacy of the material world, the non-material had to be held at bay in any fashion that was effective for whoever was in control of the primacy of the concrete manifestation. So, from that place all that is non-physical in some form is purposely diminished, for there cannot be control structures placed upon that reality.  

On your planet at this moment, there is a fundamental shift in what has been considered the reality of your 3-dimensional, concrete world. This is in essence what is being shaken. There are many pieces of this reality that have been in some way honoured, revered and worshipped, and that have taken your whole species away from your own innate power.  In the crumbling of these structures — that at one time offered feedback and validation to the worth of each individual, each community, each country — it is becoming clearer as there is a shift in the solidity of these structures, that this form of validation is not true feedback for who you are. 

As you connect with your inner desire to look externally for your own value it is but a mirror of what is being dismantled on a larger scale. This is being re-birthed from a new place — not only within each individual who is being shaken by the changes that are occurring — but also by the larger, more comprehensive, seemingly infallible manifestations of reality, that all have been deluded into believing can externally provide safety. 

Your personal experience and your personal healing is but a piece of what is being echoed on your planet at this time and is a crucial place for those who can recognize this time of transformation for what it is, a time to fully embody and live the validation from within. 

As you do your personal work, and reach out to others doing their personal work (none of which will look the same but in essence is all connected), then there is a new truth that will be created, manifest on your planet as a whole, and the power of that transformation will reach out to those who have become stuck in the illusion of the safety of the old structures.