
Shared Ceremony Energy Circle


Twice monthly, for each New and Full Moon, we enter the Sweat Lodge for Ceremony.
You are welcome to put your energy into the sacred circle by sharing your prayer via email which we will print and offer, unread, to the fire along with cedar, sage and tobacco.
You’re invited to move into your own sacred space or contemplative state sometime during our ceremony day, and share one small aspect of your experience with us anytime after ceremony.

Contact us for details  ~ receive an invitation to our next Shared Ceremony Energy Circle.

Your Ceremony

Most of us have been raised in environments devoid of personal ceremony.  
Outside the confines of religious observance, holiday family meals or social conventions such as graduation, we tend to come up empty. 
What does personal ceremony even mean?  

Getting Started

Think of Grandmother’s old saying, “Go outside and play!”  
Being in nature best supports you moving more deeply into yourself. 
Making space for our own sacred experience isn’t hardit just takes considerationThoughtfulness.
A little time sheltered from the noise of everyday demands.
And some practice. Building a relationship with you. 

Try asking yourself… 
What lights me up? Draws me in? Makes me smile inside? 
What is meaningful, significant, essential for me? 
What do I want to spotlight, emphasize, celebrate in my life? 

Personal ceremony can become a ritual for a time of day, moon phase, season, annual occurrence, special event or milestone. 

Making it Meaningful 
Though we tend to ‘make meaning’ about situations in our head, depth and authenticity can only come from the heart.
The more you’re willing to be present to your immediate environment, your somatic experiences, your felt sense of the moment, the more powerful your personal ceremony will become.

Be willing to offer yourself the gift of patience as you move into places of deeper meaning.

Remember: There is no wrong way to do ceremony for yourself 
Simply be clear in your intention, gather up a few favourite items, and go play! 

Getting Guidance 
Not sure how to get started? 
Wondering what to add to your existing celebration? 
Looking for something deeper? 
Any / all questions are valid.
Connect with us here


The Sweat Lodge

The Sweat Lodge is an alchemical tool that sits within Sacred Law and is in alignment with all of Creation. This enables us to heal ourselves, so we too can step into alignment and better embody the Sacred Humans we truly are.

The Lodge holds within it the perfect balance of the Everything. This includes all the Elements: water, earth, air, fire and void; and all the Worlds of Grandmother Earth: the plants, minerals, animals, humans and ancestor worlds.

The Lodge structure is created from saplings gathered with care and respect. They are fashioned into a dome shaped hut, covered by either blankets or skins, with a flap for a door. The Lodge symbolizes the Earth’s womb, introspection and the feminine. The door to the Lodge always faces the fire, which represents the spark of life – our connection to spirit and the masculine.

The Dance Chief or Ceremonial Leader pours the water, guiding the Ceremony, while the Fire Keeper provides the heated rocks and caretakes over the people in the Lodge.

The people enter the Lodge in humility, asking for healing not only for themselves, but also for their Lineage, the 7 generations that have come before and the 7 generations that are yet to come. While inside the Lodge, participants create a space within themselves so they can ask for what they really need for their healing. They share prayers of healing for others and let go of all the things standing in their way so they can dream their lives anew.

Exiting the Lodge symbolizes a person’s rebirth into the world.

Contact us to inquire about participating in Ceremony.