About Us

Dancing Raven Healing Circle

  • Teaching Circles
  • Lunar Ceremonies
  • Seasonal Celebrations
  • Personalized Ceremony
  • Energy Healing

Reconnect to your inner groundedness and gain clarity of purpose while sharing in co-creative community with like-minded souls.

Hi. I’m Sasha.

A ceremonialist at heart, I launched Dancing Raven Healing Circle in response to the void in our culture’s spiritual practices, a sense of being disconnected from our own divine nature.

As we move through this time of transformation at every level in our world, we need touchstones that help us make sense of our inner and outer experience. And we need each other.

Ritual and ceremony are potent ways to consciously co-create sacred space and reconnect with a deeper source of wisdom than the rational mind alone can offer. Those who are drawn to participate feel an undeniable attraction to intentionally partner with divine intelligence — to ask and receive awarenesses that would otherwise have eluded our ego’s limited perception.

Personal ceremony is beautiful and deeply soul-satisfying, while community ceremony supports us in opening to exponentially potent and enlightening experiences together.

Exploring energy is joyful for me.

We live in a time of spiritual information overload, feeling disconnected from the inner resources we need to really discern what is true for us, with little support from our existing social structures. This sense of constant separation can leave us feeling tentative, isolated and divorced from our own divinity.

In my professional practice I use energy rebalancing techniques alongside channelled guidance to help clear the conscious and subconscious blocking beliefs keeping you small so you can find your way home to your own inner knowing with an open heart.

Together we explore where you resist receiving goodness in your life, or doubt your own inherent beauty. I’ll help you rediscover the natural connection you have to your soul’s innate genius and clarify your intentions so you feel empowered to co-create all your relationships in ways that feel meaningful and deeply satisfying for you.

Everything is Energy.

We’re starting to recognize what the ancient mystics have known for centuries: all real change happens on the quantum level, in every area of our lives.

Working together we identify key blocking beliefs keeping you from manifesting truly empowered relationships and fully aligning with your soul’s calling. Using various non-invasive energy-based practices, we clear those limitations and make the reconnections you need to bring your compromised aspects back into resonance with your deepest truth.

Experience an immediate sense of lightheartedness, mental clarity and a richer, more soul-satisfying connection to your inner knowingness.

Take a look at the teaching and energy healing services I offer through Tools For Transformation.

The Mayson Method™ is the primary healing modality I use in my practice. It includes a simple yet powerful energy testing and clearing process to help identify conscious and subconscious blocking beliefs, clear limitations, and make the vital reconnections necessary to bring your frequency back into balance. More on The Mayson Method

Questions? Reach out.